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Skip to content Why Goaltimate?
For players
- 4vs4 + Compulsory substitutions = plenty of disc time for everyone
- Fun even with different levels of skills and physical fitness - play with your friends and invite new people
- Play it almost anywhere, as you can play it on any surface and in smaller spaces
- Prcatice quick passes, using space effectively, many types of throws, and catching under pressure
- Cheap - you just need one long tent pole (or make up you own goal!)
For teams
- Suitable even for small groups (6 people is enough!)
- Play it almost anywhere (grass, beach, indoor, cages, etc)
- Simpler rules are easier to learn, so you can recruit new players easily
- Practice how to play fast, and use space effectively
- A smaller field makes it easier to see how people play and give feedback
For event managers
- Play it anywhere - bring the fun where the crowd is!
- High pressure shots make spectacular scores = great for spectators and to produce engaging marketing material.
- Scoring in a goal is easier to understand for casual spectators
- Continuous play and fewer calls means no boring breaks between points
- One camera behind the goal zone can captures most of the action
For inclusion and equality
- 4v4 with teams of 6 or 8 players makes it easy to set a equal team
- The goal height reduces the advantage of height
- Field size reduces the advantage of speed